Journey Safely

Revolutionizing safe driving through voice controlled reporting.

Visual Design

User Research

Design Systems

Full Stack No-Code Development





June ‘24 - Sept ‘24

Graduate School Project



Lead Designer

The Problem

Reckless and intoxicated drivers cause thousands of accidents annually that are life changing and sometimes fatal. There is a need to provide a solution to decrease the amount of reckless and drunk drivers on the road in order to keep individuals safe.

The Outcome

I designed and developed a voice controlled mobile application that provides users with the ability to document and report reckless driving incidents.

The Goals

  1. Prioritize and spotlight the use of voice controlled recordings

  2. Increase awareness of hazardous drivers among communities

  3. Create a connection between the community and law enforcement through documented reports

The Challenges

  • Collaborating with first responders to integrate their resources and services into this platform may pose a challenge regarding government clearance and privacy concerns.

  • As a first-time developer, learning new languages and software presents me with the exploration of new technologies.

Who is involved?

I utilized a swim lane diagram to gain clarity on the processes that I wanted to take place in the app and how I wanted different users to collaborate cross functionally.

Swim lane diagram showcasing how drivers input into the app is communicated to first responders and other community members.

Initial Discoveries

Competitor Analysis

During an analysis and comparison of competitors



of participants

stated that they encounter reckless driving weekly.


of participants

ignore hazardous driving due to lack of knowledge on reporting methods & not remembering key details regarding the car and the driver.


of participants

utilize hand-free devices and driving mode apps in efforts to minimize phone use during driving.

User Interviews

I interviewed 5 participants from the survey in order to gain clarity on their needs and concerns regarding the use of an application of this nature.

Participants expressed interest in the proposed application and 100% of participants stated that they would use the app if given the chance.

Participants also expressed concerns for the app. All participants questioned how the validity of reports would be assessed along with privacy concerns, lack of follow up, and legal implications.

Common Insights

The expectation that a reporting resource may be used for negative instead of positive reasons is high. Considering strategies to combat false reporting is imperative to the success of Journey Safely.


Lack of Trust

Faith in law enforcement is not high among the public. The expectations that law enforcement would take action on the reports made are low.

The possibility of human error can lead to inaccurate reporting making it a concern and possible deterrent among users.

Human Error

Hands Free Technology

Hands-free technology is heavily preferred by those looking to prioritize safe driving. Integrating hands-free technology and voice control into Journey Safely will be beneficial in encouraging the use of the platform.

Solution Exploration

Based on the insights discovered from the research conducted I began to explore possible solutions.

Considering the severity of users concerns and the grey area that exists within these areas of concern, producing a solution that met all of the needs expressed throughout this research period proved to be difficult.

  1. A hands-free voice activated focused application focused on voice recording and transcriptions to submit reports while driving is feasible, however, requires the integration on mobile shortcuts in order to open the app while driving.

  2. The potential integration of traffic sensors and cameras to detect report accuracy when law enforcement are reviewing reports provides a solution for accuracy but would require intense levels of clearance for implementation.

  3. A digital product embedded and sold in new vehicles may be too invasive and takes away from the collaborative aspect of the solution.

Initial Ideas

With the limitations listed above in mind, and due to the short time frame, I decided to focus primarily on creating a hands-free and voice controlled focus product for the initial MVP. Integration of traffic devices and collaboration with law enforcement will be explored in the future iterations of Journey Safely.

I produced 3 rounds of low-fidelity wireframes and conducted usability testing with each round. Following these testing rounds I received feedback from 6 users that aided in identifying gaps in my current prototype.

Users expressed a lack of key concepts and features that they felt would complete their experience.

So, what’s missing?

  • How might I provide long-term value for users?

  • How can I encourage daily use of Journey Safely?

Iterations Implemented


I focused on filtering for the initial functionality of the community page. Users found the filters useful but felt that they were required to do too much reading in order to process what was on the page.


To reduce content overload, I designed a map view option for quick scan ability. To enable this option I opted for a toggle to enable quick and efficient navigation.


For the home page I centralized the focus to be on initiating a new recording with intentions of it being the main purpose of the app. Users felt that the presentation lacked confirmation of its purpose.


To further emphasize its purpose, I created a frame around the microphone icon to confirm that it is a button that is meant for use. The profile and settings icons were moved to the navigation bar to deter users from being distracted from the main focus of the app, voice controlled reports.

Creating Desirability with Rewards

When brainstorming how to drive desirability to utilize Journey Safely, I was concerned that it would encourage false reporting.

With the possible future implementation of law enforcement collaboration I created a rewards page to reiterate the impact that users had by submitting accurate reports that law enforcement followed up on.

I look forward to exploring other ways to reinforce and encourage accurate reporting.

What’s next?

I am currently developing Journey Safely using FlutterFlow with a launch on app stores anticipated for Winter 2024.

Throughout the development and future design iterations I aim to integrate manual reporting capabilities and collaborating with law enforcement to utilize local traffic devices to track and follow up on users reports.